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The last Thursday of Carnival called "u sciuv'deje di c'rnot" Thursday of the cuckolds sees the protagonist of the satirical / picturesque institution called Accademia delle Corna which was born a few years ago, at the behest of Nicola Genco, Massimo Bianco and Franco Laera . It is aimed at identifying characters of every order and rank who have distinguished themselves for particular qualities in their sector to whom the honor of Great Horned of the year is conferred, paraphrasing the common saying in these parts "You are a Great Horned" when a person is highly competent and active in their professional or social sector.

The Grand Council of Academics, meeting in great secrecy in the preceding days, resolves the verdict by unanimous vote, and the Rector Grand Academic, from the top of his office, declining propitiatory phrases, crowns the chosen GRAN CORNUTO DELL 'with the Superb Palco Cornèo YEAR among local characters who have also distinguished themselves for their goliards, sympathy and irony.

ingresso chiesa santo stefano piccoloThe coronation rite with academic proclamation kicks off Thursday morning at the first light of dawn, when without his knowledge the newly elected receives a visit from the public Cornèo, that is the procession of academics, who invites the chosen one, after having offered him breakfast with Cornetto and Latte di Toro in the (deconsecrated) church of Santo Stefano Piccolo for the proclamation rite. Here, together with the delivery of the parchment, you can read the reasons that led him to be elected.

The celebrations continue throughout the day with the "Corne'O" a sort of profane procession of academics in black cloaks and forked top hats through the streets of the historic center who, with a mocking tone "come, come to mass, come .. .. .. . hurry cuckolds come "invites all cuckolds and the entire citizenry to public mass.

Storage in the Fascist era was the compulsory delivery to the government of wheat and other foodstuffs also governed by the civil code of 1942 by article 837 (book III title II of goods) and by article 2617 (book V, title X of competitions and regulatory consortia). In the purely carnival spirit of Putignanese, the cluster identifies the purification rite that all men married to traitorous wives perform satirically to free themselves from the weight of the horns in everyday life! the liberating function of these rites is very ancient and even dates back to ancient Greece!

Tessera SanitariaThe apotropaic and purification rite of the "Cutting of the Horns" provides that the horny stage of each of those present is uprooted by unlikely, as well as picturesque surgeons. The measurement service and any filing, cutting and suturing of the wounds are carried out on a scenographic workbench suitably modified. Upon closing, the purified cuckold receives the health card with the stamp of the public storage office which certifies the size and healthy growth of the Superb Palco Corneo during the last year.

Horns have also spoken of writers, scientists and scholars

Ludovico Ariosto “The incarco de le corna is the lightest in the world, if the man is so infamous: almost all other people see it; and whoever has it in mind, never feels it. "

Giacomo Leporadi "I really wanted to give each one his gift, for example to whom a horn, to whom another, but I was afraid of showing partiality, and that the one who had curved horns envied long horns." from "Letter to the Befana" of January 6, 1810 by the then adolescent poet.

lavoro di gruppoThis website project born from the idea of Gianni Musaio is enclosed in a team spirit and is the result of the collaboration of people, ordinary citizens, who care about the historical, cultural, artistic, geographical, food and wine heritage of the historic center of Putignano, a town in to live.


The historic center of a town is the fulcrum of the territory, where ancient stories, traditions and culture of those who preceded us are preserved. You too can contribute to leaving the testimonies of the past to the generations to come, taking care of them.

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