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Putignano a history you don't expect

itinerario monumenti

percorso chiese

Associazione Putignanese Turistica

The church emblem

On the wood main entrance door to the church you can admire the church coat of arms painted there. In representation there are: three mountains surmounted by two crossed keys with a ribbon hanging on both sides and by a papal tiara.

The three mountains reproduce the same ones of the coat of arms of our University, while the keys are the apostolic ones, insignia of the Church and a symbol of her spiritual authority. The papal tiara indicates the Church's privilege of being "nullius", that is, at the time, not included in any diocese and therefore not subject to the Bishop of Conversano, like the same bailee of Saint Stephen of the Order of Malta, of which Putignano was ecclesiastical fief. The Church, therefore, depended directly on the Pope, who represented himself by the Bailiffs to whom ecclesiastical jurisdiction was entrusted. The condition of "nullius" was definitively canceled in 1811, when, at the end of the centuries-old struggle between the Bishops of Conversano and the Bailiffs of S. Stefano for spiritual jurisdiction over Putignano, our Church re-entered the Diocese of Conversano, losing all the different privileges accumulated over time, including the title of Collegiate.

The coat of arms was painted for the first time on the entrance door in 1727 and we find it reproduced, in relief, on the cymatium of the wooden altar of the Chapel of St. Peter and on the central clypeus inserted in the back of the wooden shelves, which flank the altar greater.

We still admire the symbol of the crossed keys, again in relief, on the base of the columns of the altar of St. Anna and on the shaft of the columns of the aforementioned altar of St. Peter.

lavoro di gruppoThis website project born from the idea of Gianni Musaio is enclosed in a team spirit and is the result of the collaboration of people, ordinary citizens, who care about the historical, cultural, artistic, geographical, food and wine heritage of the historic center of Putignano, a town in to live.


The historic center of a town is the fulcrum of the territory, where ancient stories, traditions and culture of those who preceded us are preserved. You too can contribute to leaving the testimonies of the past to the generations to come, taking care of them.