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Putignano a history you don't expect

itinerario monumenti

percorso chiese

Associazione Putignanese Turistica

The outside

The external architecture of the Church of Santa Maria di Costantinopoli is in line with that of the other rural churches in the area.
The width of the front facade is about 4.20 meters, it has a white wall in lime milk, where the entrance door is located, in the upper part there is a small bell gable on which the bell axis is shown the date 1845, presumably on the top of the bell tower there must have been a cross, which no longer exists today.
Immediately above the access door to the church there is a local stone skylight, the shape of which is of a square with four semicircles adjacent to the sides of the square itself. The skylight made by hand by the stonecutters who in 1500 were able to perfectly cut and shape the limestone using only manual tools and only the strength of the arms.
The sloping roof is covered by the typical local limestone chiancarelle, masterfully set one with the other.

lavoro di gruppoThis website project born from the idea of Gianni Musaio is enclosed in a team spirit and is the result of the collaboration of people, ordinary citizens, who care about the historical, cultural, artistic, geographical, food and wine heritage of the historic center of Putignano, a town in to live.


The historic center of a town is the fulcrum of the territory, where ancient stories, traditions and culture of those who preceded us are preserved. You too can contribute to leaving the testimonies of the past to the generations to come, taking care of them.