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Putignano a history you don't expect

itinerario monumenti

percorso chiese

Associazione Putignanese Turistica

wooden choir stalls

Having the Archconfraternity of the Blessed Sacrament located in the church, on the side walls you can see the presence of the ancient wooden stalls decorated with inlays and paintings, they are dated 1777. In all, 51 seats are available and each is numbered and reserved for one of the 51 brothers of the coven, in fact, the brotherhood has a limited number.
There are seats reserved for the President, the First and Second Assistants, the First Elder and the Bursar
The highest seat is in any case reserved for the spiritual assistant or other ecclesiastical authority who should participate in the meeting.
A curious news about the closed number stopped at 51 is that when during the Christmas period the number 51 was played / played at bingo, it is announced with "i Fratel d'Crest".

lavoro di gruppoThis website project born from the idea of Gianni Musaio is enclosed in a team spirit and is the result of the collaboration of people, ordinary citizens, who care about the historical, cultural, artistic, geographical, food and wine heritage of the historic center of Putignano, a town in to live.


The historic center of a town is the fulcrum of the territory, where ancient stories, traditions and culture of those who preceded us are preserved. You too can contribute to leaving the testimonies of the past to the generations to come, taking care of them.